If you want a Mouza Map of your land then you can request it online Banglarbhumi portal online.
Once you log into banglarbhumi portal, Use the Citizen Services tab then click on Mouza Map Request.
Go to Banglarbhumi Homepage > Citizen Services > Mouza Map Request
Before you Request Mouza Map. You can check if LR and RS Map are available for your Mouza.
Once you know that your Mouza is available for LR and RS maps then you can now request for Mouza Map.
To request for Mouza Map you have to select your District, Block, and Mouza then select the type of Map such as LR Map or RS Map with Sheet Number. After filling in these details you can check your Mouza Map by clicking on View Mouza Map.
After clicking on the View Mouza Map you can see a Sample of Mouza Map will appear on your screen. You can search by your Plot using Plot No.
Now close the tab and Enter your personal details such as name, guardian name, and address. After that solve the captcha and click Submit button. At the last, moment select any payment gateway and click on the Continue button.
After Paying the fee of Rs 150 you will get a receipt containing the Application Number and GRN Number which you can use to download your Mouza Map.
Note –
- Banglarbhumi Mouza Map is available in two types LR Map and RS Map.
- The fee for the Mouza Map is Rs 150.