If you have any issue with the land records or anything related to banglarbhumi portal you can complain through the Grievance Application online after that you can check the status of your application.
Once you login into banglarbhumi portal, Use Public Grievance Tab. then click on Grievance Application.
Go to Homepage > Public Grievance > Grievance Application
Step 1 – Select Mouza and Applicant Details –
Once the Grievance Application Form appears on your screen. You have to Select your District, Block, and Mouza. After that, you have to Enter the following applicant details :
- Petition Type – (Record Correction, Mutation, Conversion, Recording, Barga, Homestead, Normal Patta, NGNB, and Other)
- Petition Details
- Khatian Exits (Yes/No)
- First Name and Last Name
- Address
- Type of Guardian and Name of Guardian
- Gender
- Aadhar No, Mobile No, and Emai ID
- Plot Details
Step 2 – Upload Document and Submit Application –
After that, you have to select the document and upload it in a pdf file with a maximum limit size of 2 MB.
At the last moment solve the Captcha and click on the Submit button. After submitting the application you will get a Unique Petition Number (UPN No.) and also be able to download the application form in PDF. You can use UPN No. to Track your Application Status.